Monday, August 19, 2013

It's All About Trust

Trust is a very important issue when it comes to security. Each of us places some kind of trust in every website we interact with. You enter your email, credit card number, and other personal information in many websites, but do you really know what they are doing with it? Are they sufficiently protecting it? Unfortunately, as we have seen in recent news, not all companies or websites take the right steps to protect your data.

Send Files Securely was created with security as the number one goal. Files uploaded using our website are protected from the moment they leave your computer to the moment they are downloaded using the highest of industry cryptographic standards. Files are stored in an encrypted state. User-entered file passwords are never stored and are required in order to decrypt their respective file. This means that we cannot view these password protected files. In fact, even "if" a hacker obtained a file stored on our servers, it would be useless to them since each file is securely encrypted. To learn more about this and other security practices implemented by our services see the Technical Security Overview.

We hope that you trust us and understand that we have gone to great lengths to provide an easy to use, but most importantly a secure service to send files over the Internet.

If you have any additional questions about our services, please feel free to leave a comment below or send an email to email[AT]SendFilesSecurely[DOT]com.

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